Thursday, June 17, 2010


I can't believe it's finally here! Ah! I still have to get a front light, booties, a working headlamp, this, that, the other thing, and a stinkin' Duffel Bag!

Ya, packing has been slow...obviously. I am alotted 4500 cu. in. of space for my entire summer, which sounds like a lot until you have to shove a sleeping bag and pillow in there. Every bag I find is either 3600 cu. in. or 5400 cu. in. So today, my hunt is on.

Am I ready for this trip? Is there any way to really prepare myself for a 69-day cross-country cycling trip? ...I think not. I signed a waiver way-back-when that said "I will bicycle 500 miles before the trip" and "I will cycle at least one 65 mile day before the trip" ... and I've done both things and I'm praying that that will suffice. EEk!

Tuesday the 22nd will be our first build day up in Portsmouth, NH - and Wednesday the 23rd we'll dip our tires into the Atlantic and head off for our first day of cycling! 4,844 miles later we'll reach VANCOUVER, B.C. and will have distributed over $120,000 to affordable housing non-profits and helped build 10 homes! Holy smokes!

Well, I'll keep this message short n' sweet because I've got a lot to do, and procrastinating by blogging sounds like a really wond..Terrible idea!

I will try to keep up with the blog, and you can track my route on the B&B website at:

Thanks so much for your support everyone!!! I truly could not have done this without you.


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